Gonçalo Faria

bayesian deep learning, deep generative modelling, nlp, causal discovery


Hey, I'm Gonçalo.

I am currently an PhD student at University of Washington, under the guidance of Professor Noah Smith.

My research interests are robustness to distribution shifts, o.o.d generalization, and reliability, particularly for complex reasoning tasks.

I studied at the University of Minho for my undergrad and at Instituto Superior Técnico for my master's. My master's dissertation, advised by André Martins and Mário Figueiredo, focused on Differentiable Causal Discovery.

Feel free to reach out! I'm always happy to chat about research, life, or anything else.

Gonçalo R. A. Faria, Sweta Agrawal, António Farinhas, Ricardo Rei, José G. C. de Souza, André F. T. Martins
Abstract : An important challenge in machine translation (MT) is to generate high-quality and diverse translations. Prior work has shown that the estimated likelihood from the MT model correlates poorly with translation quality. In contrast, quality evaluation metrics (such as COMET or BLEURT) exhibit high correlations with human judgments, which has motivated their use as rerankers (such as quality-aware and minimum Bayes risk decoding). However, relying on a single translation with high estimated quality increases the chances of "gaming the metric''. In this paper, we address the problem of sampling a set of high-quality and diverse translations. We provide a simple and effective way to avoid over-reliance on noisy quality estimates by using them as the energy function of a Gibbs distribution. Instead of looking for a mode in the distribution, we generate multiple samples from high-density areas through the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm, a simple Markov chain Monte Carlo approach. The results show that our proposed method leads to high-quality and diverse outputs across multiple language pairs (English↔{German, Russian}) with two strong decoder-only LLMs (Alma-7b, Tower-7b).
CLEAR 2022
Gonçalo R. A. Faria, André F. T. Martins, Mário A. T. Figueiredo
Abstract : Recent work has shown promising results in causal discovery by leveraging interventional data with gradient-based methods, even when the intervened variables are unknown. However, previous work assumes that the correspondence between samples and interventions is known, which is often unrealistic. We envision a scenario with an extensive dataset sampled from multiple intervention distributions and one observation distribution, but where we do not know which distribution originated each sample and how the intervention affected the system, \textit{i.e.}, interventions are entirely latent. We propose a method based on neural networks and variational inference that addresses this scenario by framing it as learning a shared causal graph among an infinite mixture (under a Dirichlet process prior) of intervention structural causal models. Experiments with synthetic and real data show that our approach and its semi-supervised variant are able to discover causal relations in this challenging scenario.

Also on Google Scholar
Honors & awards
APRP Prize - Best Master Thesis 2022
APRP establishes the APRP prize for the best master's thesis, with the purpose of distinguishing work of high merit in the area of pattern recognition in Portugal.
Professor Luís Vidigal Prize - Best Master Thesis 2022
It is intended to annually award Masters of any master's degree at IST, authors of the best Master's Thesis whose theme falls within the scientific areas of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Informatics.
Almedina Prize 2020
Awarded annually to the best scholarship student of each Organic Teaching and Research Unit.
Scholarship Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation 2018
New Talents in Artificial Intelligence, 2nd Edition.